

Items marked deprecated should not be used going forward as they will be removed in a future firmware release.

Device Attributes

Most device attributes are simple name/value pairs with both the name and the value consisting of strings. Two exceptions are the path and interface attributes:

  • path: The value of this attribute is a list of strings. The list provides a unique path to the device. If present, it must be the first attribute. This is the only attribute which provides a guaranteed unique identifier for the device. The flip-side is that the path is not necessary stable. For example, if a USB device is moved from one port to another, the path would change. Thus, depending on the needs of the application, it may be more appropriate to identify a device through other means, such as the manufacturer, model, and serial-number, which, together, might provide a unique identifier for the device that remains stable regardless of how the device is connected to the meter.

  • interface: The value of this attribute is also a list of strings. Each entry is the name of an interface that is supported by the device. A description of each interface can be obtained from /ctrl/interface.

The meaning of other attributes is given below:

  • link: The physical link used by the device. If present, the value must be one of:

    • Ethernet: The device is connected via Ethernet.

    • USB: The device is connected via USB.

    • serial: The device is connected via a serial link such as RS485, RS232, or similar.

  • mfg: The name of the manufacturer of the device (e.g., eGauge).

  • model: The model name of the device (e.g., PRM3).

  • name: If present, a user-selected name of the device.

  • prot: The communication protocol used by the device. If present, it must be one of:

    • CoAP: The device uses the Constrained Application Protocol.

    • CtrlByWeb: The device uses the ControlByWeb XML protocol.

    • Modbus: The device uses the Modbus protocol.

    • RTCoA: The device uses the Radio Thermostat Co of America protocol.

    • SCPI: The device uses the SCPI protocol (pronounced "skippy".

    • SMANet: The device uses the SMAnet protocol used by older PV inverters manufactured by SMA.

  • quality: Devices that can potentially be reached through multiple paths may set this attribute to indicate the communication-quality of a particular path. The value of this attribute must be a decimal string. Paths that provide better communication-quality in some sense (e.g., higher speed or smaller loss-rate) should have a higher value. When mapping a set of attributes to a set of paths, the paths will be ordered by decreasing quality value such that higher quality paths will appear before lower quality ones.

  • sn: The serial "number" of the device. Even though called a number, the value may also contain non-digit characters (e.g., 0Y0035).


eScript is a simple scripting langage which supports basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) of double-precision floating point numbers. The operations follow normal precedence rules. Parentheses can be used to force evaluation in a particular order. A C-like ternary operator is also supported for conditional evaluation. Specifically:

c ? e1 : e2

evaluates to e1 if c is non-zero and to e2 otherwise.

The latest instantaneous value of a meter register can be obtained with the $ operator which must be followed by a register name in quotes. For example:


would evaluate to the instantaneous value of register Grid.

eScript also supports various functions such as sin() to calculate the sine of an angle or THD() to calculate total-harmonic distortion in a signal. A list of functions is available at /sys/func.

An eScript expression which starts with a colon (:) is interpreted as a Lua expression.


Filter-specs can be used to return only certain members of an object or certain elements of an array.

For example, {foo,bar} would limit the output of an object to the members with names foo and bar. Similarly, [0,3:5] would limit the output of an array to the elements with indices 0, 3, 4, and 5.

If a member or array filter is empty, all members/elements of that object/array are returned. This is handy when filtering deeper levels of a response. For example [{addr}] would return only member addr from all the objects in the returned array.

For a more complex example, the filter-spec {reg[7:8{addr}]} would, for each object in the response, only return the reg member and, within each reg array, only elements with indices 7 or 8 would be returned. Within the objects of those elements, only the addr member would be returned.

Note that braces and square brackets normally need to be percent-encoded before using them in a URL (e.g., %7B for {).

Formal Definition

The formal syntax of a filter-spec (FSPEC) is given by the EBNF syntax below. No whitespace is allowed between symbols.

RANGE = UINT [ ":" UINT ] .
DIGIT = "0".."9".
NAME = ALPHA | DIGIT | "-" | "." | "_" | "~" | PCT_ENC .
ALPHA = "a".."z" | "A".."Z" .
HEX = DIGIT | "a".."f" | "A".."F" .

In words: a filter-spec can restrict the members returned from an object by listing zero or more member names, separated by commas, in curly braces. Only listed member names will be returned. As a special case, the empty object filter {} returns all members. A member name can be followed by a nested filter-spec to further filter the value the member with that name. A common nested filter-spec can also be applied to several comma-separated member names by enclosing them in parentheses and writing the common filter-spec after the closing parenthesis.

Similarly, a filter-spec can restrict the elements returned from an array by listing zero or more indices, separated by commas, in square brackets. Only listed indices will be returned. As a special case, the empty array filter [] returns all elements in an array. An index can be a single unsigned integer or a range of indices written as a starting index, a colon, and an ending index. For example, range 10:20 would corresponds to indices 10 through 20. An index can be followed by a nested filter-spec to further filter the value of the element with that index. A common nested filter-spec can also be applied to several comma-separated indices by enclosing them in parentheses and writing the common filter-spec after the closing parenthesis.

Lua Scripts

In addition to eScript, the meter firmware also supports the more powerful Lua language. All eScript functions can be called directly from Lua. Conversely, eScript may also call Lua functions as long as they use only numbers as arguments and return a single number as a result.


The max-depth parameter can be specified to limit the depth to which a response object or array is output. When the depth-limit is reached, only a list of member names is returned for objects and only the length is returned for arrays.

For example, if the full result object were:

{"obj": {"a": ..., "b": ...}, "arr": [1, 2, 3, 4]}

then this restricted to max-depth=2 would return:

{"obj": ["a", "b"], "arr": 4}

That is, the value of obj was replaced by the list of the object's member names and the value of array arr was replaced by its length.

Non-Transactional Updates

When a modification request to a resource is not executed transactionally, it means that it may be possible to observe the modification of that resource before or after modifications to the other resources being updated within the same request. It is also possible for the modification to take effect even though the overall request may end up failing with an error.

Password Hashes

Passwords are never written directly to this API. Instead, only hashes are written which are derived from the user name, realm, and password. Specifically, the hash is calculated as the MD5 sum over the string obtained when concatenating the user name, the realm, and the password while using colons as field-separators. For example, the hash of user name jane, realm domain, and password secret, would be:

MD5("jane:domain:secret") = 251910de04f5eab86859939167d4fded

Physical Register Names

Physical register names may not be empty, contain control characters, dots (.), or commas (,). They may also not consist entirely of digits.

Register names of locally calculated registers (registers with dev set to local) attach special meaning to the last character (suffix):

  • +: Allowed only for power-registers (type code P). Only positive power will be accumulated.

  • -: Allowed only for power-registers (type code P). Only negative measured power will be accumulated.

  • |: Allowed only for power-registers (type code P). The absolute value of the measured power will be accumulated.

  • *: Allowed only and required for apparent-power registers (type code S).

These suffixes are not allowed for registers whose value is calculated by an eScript expression.

If the name of a locally calculated power register does not end with one of the above suffixes, the measured net real power is accumulated. Net real power may be positive or negative, depending on the direction of the power flow.

Serial Ports

A serial port may be specified either as a device name or as a USB path. A device name must have the format /dev/ttyUSBn, where n is a non-negative integer. A USB path must have the format USBpath where path is a sequence of one or more non-negative integers, separated by dots (.). Resource /sys/dev/serial returns a list of serial ports detected by the meter.

A serial port string may optionally also specify serial parameters. The parameters must follow the device name and have the format :b/8ps where b is the baud rate (positive integer), 8 is the number of bits per character (must be 8), p is the parity (n for none, e for even, o for odd), and s is the number of stop bits (1 or 2).

Service Activation

WebAPI provides an automatic mechanism to setup communication between a meter and a service provider (web server). The resulting communication path can be used, for example, to send register data ("push data") or alerts to the service provider.

The setup mechanism is called service activation and is initiated by posting a request to end-point /cmd/activate. The command, in turn, executes the follow steps:

  1. Meter sends an activation request to a URL defined by the service provider. This URL is called the control URL.

  2. The service provider may respond with an error, a challenge, or a service URL. If an error is returned, service activation has failed and an error response is returned. If a challenge is returned, execution resumes with step 3 below. If a service URL is returned, execution resumes with step 4.

  3. Given a challenge response, the meter decrypts the challenge using a private key and sends the result to the service provider. The service provider checks if the result is valid and, if so, responds with a service URL. Otherwise, it responds with an error and service activation has failed.

  4. The meter extracts the service URL from the service provider's response and starts sending data to that URL. With this, service activation has completed sucessfully.

Once activated, the meter will send data to the service URL as needed (e.g., periodically for push data or when an alert occurs for the alert service). This stops if a post to the service URL returns HTTP status code 418 (I'm a teapot) or if the meter gets reconfigured to deactivate the service.

The details of the above steps are described below.

Activation Request to Control URL

The activation request the meter sends to the control URL is a POST request with a JSON-body containing the following members:

  • name (required): The hostname of the meter.

  • sn (required): The serial-number of the meter.

  • opts: If present, this is an array of strings specifying the service options that are understood by the meter for the service being activated. If not present, the service provider must assume that the meter does not understand any service options.

Additional members may be present in the posted object. If so, the service provider must ignore any members whose meaning it does not understand.

Example Activation Request

A typical activation request body is shown below (formatted for readability):

  "name": "Test1234",
  "sn": "G13456789",
  "opts": ["gzip", "json", "secure"]

Challenge Response

A service provider may choose to return a challenge response to ascertain that the activation request was actually sent by the meter identified in the request. If the service provider does not require authentication, it can skip to directly returning a service URL response (see below).

A challenge response consists of a JSON-object with the following members:

  • nnc (required): The server nonce. This must be a string consisting entirely of lowercase hexadecimal digits (0-9, or a-f). The server creates this nonce by:

    1. generating a sequence of cryptographically random bytes,

    2. encrypting the sequence with the meter's public key, and, finally,

    3. converting the encrypted sequence to a hexadecimal string.

  • rid (required): A non-negative integer that uniquely identifies this service activation request.

Additional members may be present in the returned object. If so, the meter will ignore any members whose meaning it does not understand.

Once the meter receives a challenge response, it:

  1. decrypts the server nonce using its private key and converting the resulting byte sequence to a lowercase hex string
  • we will call this rnd,
  1. creates a cryptographically strong random hexadecimal string which we'll call cnnc (client nonce),

  2. calculates the MD5 hash of the string obtained by concatenating rnd, a colon (:), and cnnc.

  3. sends a post request to the control URL whose body is a JSON object with the following members:

  • cnnc (required): The client nonce.

  • hash (required): The calculated MD5 hash as a hexadecimal string.

  • rid (required): A copy of the rid member as received in the challenge response.

When the service provider receives the post request, it can check whether the meter is authentic by calculating the MD5 sum of the concatenation of the server's random hexadecimal string rnd, a colon, and the client nonce and confirming that it matches the value of hash in the posted JSON object. If there is a mismatch, service activation has failed and the provider returns an error response.

Example of Challenge Response and Resulting Meter Request

A typical challenge response is shown below (formatted for readability and nnc shortened with an ellipsis):

  "nnc": "76e75...9fbc",
  "rid": 4102166033

In return to this challenge, the meter would then send a post request to the control URL with a body that might look like this:

  "cnnc": "565ce9541eddec103347b5174704e188",
  "hash": "ce5e308c27da651964de14f65bd8b059",
  "rid": 4102166033

If the authentication is successful, the service provider responds with a service URL response.

Service URL Response

Upon successful service activation, the provider returns a response body containing a JSON object with the following members:

  1. url (required): The service URL to which the service's data should be sent.

  2. options: The service options to use. This must be a string containing a comma-separated list of option names. Certain options may require a value. For those, the option name must be followed immediately by an equal sign (=) and the option value (no whitespace is allowed).

  3. pw: If specified, the password to use when sending the post request to the service URL.

  4. user: If specified, the username to use when sending the post request to the service URL. The username and password are sent using an HTTP basic authentication header. For security reasons, this should only be used over secure (https) connections.

Additional members may be present in the returned object. If so, the meter will ignore any members whose meaning it does not understand.

Example Service URL Response

  "url": "",
  "options": "json,gzip,min_prio=7"

Error Response

If service activation fails, HTTP status 200 must be returned with a response body which contains member error. The value of error must be a string explaining why service activation failed. The string is typically in the locale of the service provider.

The returned JSON object may contain additional members which the meter must ignore.

Time Expressions

A time expression defines a single point in time. An absolute time expression is a number, a time-point name, or a function call. A number is interpreted as a Unix timestamp. Time-point names are described here. A function call consists of a name, immediately followed by a time expression in parentheses. The following supported function names and their meaning are as follows:

  • soy(t): Returns the timestamp of the start of the year in which t falls.

  • soq(t): Returns the timestamp of the start of the quarter in which t falls.

  • sob(t): Returns the timestamp of the start of the billing cycle in which t falls. Server-storage variable global/billing/start_day establishes the day of the month a new billing period starts. If that day is greater than the number of days in the current month, the last day of that month is taken as the start of the billing period. The new billing cycle is assumed to start at 12pm on the billing day (meter-local time).

  • som(t): Returns the timestamp of the start of the month in which time t falls.

  • sow(t): Returns the timestamp of the start of the week in which t falls. Monday is considered to be the start of the week.

  • sod(t): Returns the timestamp of the start of the day in which t falls.

  • soh(t): Returns the timestamp of the start of the hour in which t falls.

  • soQ(t): Returns the timestamp of the start of the quarter hour in which t falls.

  • soM(t): Returns the timestamp of the start of the minute in which t falls.

  • sos(t): Returns the timestamp of the start of the second in which t falls.

An absolute time expression may be followed by one or more offsets that are added to or subtracted from the value of the absolute time expression. Each offset starts with a plus or minus sign, an integer number, and an optional unit. Without a unit, the specified number may contain a fractional part and indicates the number of seconds to be added/subtracted. Otherwise, the unit may be one of:

  • y: years
  • q: quarters
  • b: billing-cycles
  • m: months
  • w: weeks
  • d: days
  • h: hours
  • Q: quarter-hours
  • M: minutes

For an offset with a unit, the specified number of time periods are added to/subtracted from the timestamp. For example, som(now)+1d-1h would return the start of the last hour of the first day of the current month as som(now) returns the start of the current month, +1d would add one day to that, and -1h would subtract 1 hour from the result.

Due to irregularities in the Gregorian calendar, normal rules of addition do not apply and the order in which the offsets are applied is significant. When adding/subtracting months or billing-cycles, the operations ensures that the final date is valid. For example, adding 1m to January 31st would yield the last day of February, which would be either February 28th or 29th, depending on whether or not the year is a leap-year.

Formal Definition

The full syntax for a time expression is given in EBNF syntax below:

TIME = ABSOLUTE {("+" | "-")OFFSET} .
UNIX_TS = ["+"|"-"] SECONDS .
FCALL = FNAME "(" TIME ")" .
FNAME = "soy" | "soq" | "sob" | "som" | "sow" | "sod" | "soh" | "soQ" | "soM" .
POINT_NAME = "now" | "epoch" | FNAME .
UNIT = "y" | "q" | "b" | "m" | "w" | "d" | "h" | "Q" | "M".

A time point name that consists of a function name which is not immediately followed by a left parenthesis is interpreted as if the function of the same name had been called on the current time (now). For example, sod is equivalent to sod(now).

Time Point Names

Time-point names provide a way to refer to both absolute points in time as well as times relative to the current time. Specifically:

  • now: The most recent time for which the meter has collected data.

  • epoch: The time at which the meter started recording data. That is, the oldest time for which the database will return data. This time is user configurable via /config/db/epoch.

  • soy: Short for soy(now).

  • soq: Short for soq(now).

  • sob: Short for sob(now).

  • som: Short for som(now).

  • sow: Short for sow(now).

  • sod: Short for sod(now).

  • soh: Short for soh(now).

  • soQ: Short for soQ(now).

  • soM: Short for soM(now).

Time Ranges

A time range is an ordered series of Unix timestamps which are spaced out at a certain interval between two points in time. Time ranges are written as three decimal numbers, separated by colons: start:step:stop, where start is the oldest timestamp, step is the interval between timestamps, and stop is the youngest timestamp. For example, 100:1:103 would correspond to the timestamp series [100, 101, 102, 103]. If step and the subsequent colon are left out, the interval defaults to one second. If step is an empty string, the range consists of only the start and end timestamps. For example, 100::103 would correspond to [100, 103]. If the timerange consists of only a single number, it is interpreted as a singleton consisting of only the specified time.

The timestamps are generated from youngest to oldest. Thus, if the oldest timestamp is not an integer-multiple of step apart from youngest, then the oldest timestamp will not be in the series of generated timestamps.

In general, start and stop can be not just Unix timestamps but arbitrary time expressions.

Similarly, the time step may also be expressed as an integer count followed by a unit character. The available units are the same as for offsets in time expressions. For example, 1d would step through the time range one day at a time, taking daylight savings into account (assuming the correct timezone is set on the meter).

As a complete example, the time range som:1d:sod would generate the timestamps that correspond to midnight each day of the current month to date. sod is the start (midnight) of today and from there, the timestamps step back one day at a time until som, the start of the month is reached.

When a time range is used to select rows from the database, the resulting timestamps may not align with the timestamps of the rows stored in the database. When this happens, the meter will, by default, round down the specified timestamp to that of the nearest older row. However, if the starting or ending timestamp starts with a plus sign (+), the meter will instead round the timestamp up to that of the nearest younger row.

Formal Definition

The full syntax for a time range is given in EBNF syntax below:

TIME_RANGE = [FROM ":" [[STEP] ":"]]TO .

See section Time Expressions for definitions of OFFSET and TIME.

Type Codes

Each register records values in a physical unit indicated by a type code. Apart from the physical unit, the type code also defines the quantum with which a value is recorded in the database.

To understand the role of the quantum, you need to know that the database stores all values as signed 64-bit integer numbers. For all type codes except d (discrete numbers), the meter accumulates values before storing them in the database. Let us see how this is done for a sensor that measures a voltage. If we look up type code V in the table below, we see that the quantum q for a voltage is 0.001. Now, suppose the voltage v of a sensor was measured to be 120V on average over a measurement interval dt of one second and that the previous accumulated value of that sensor was c0. The meter would then calculate the new accumulated value c1 as:

c1 = c0 + round(v / quantumdt


c1 = c0 + round(120V / 0.001)·1s = c0 + 120000 V·s

This new accumulated value is then stored in the database. In other words, for every second where the average voltage is 120V, the value stored in the database would increase by 120000. This also shows that the accumulated values stored in the database have a unit that is the rate unit multiplied by seconds. For volts, that turns into volt-seconds. Similarly, power in watts would be recorded as watt-seconds (or joules), and speed in meters-per-second would be recorded as meters.

Note that an accumulated value may eventually overflow if the measured rate has predominantly the same sign for a very long period of time. If that were to happen, the value would wrap around from a large positive value to a large negative value or vice versa. The quanta have been selected such that under normal circumstances, wrap-arounds will not occur within the lifetime of a meter. Nevertheless, when calculating how much an accumulated value changed between two points in time, we recommend calculating that difference modulo 263 since that will give the correct result provided at most one wrap-around occurred between the two points in time.

Discrete numbers (type code d) are unit-less and are used to record discrete states (such as error states or bitsets). Such quantities cannot be averaged and hence they are not accumulated. Instead, they are stored directly as signed 64-bit integers in the database.

Type code Physical quantity Rate unit Quantum
# Whole number 1
#3 Number with 3 decimal places 0.001
% Percentage % 0.001
$ Monetary accrual rate ${currency}/s 2-29
a Angle ° 0.001
aq Air quality index (0=good, 500=bad) s 0.001
d Discrete number 1
Ee Irradiance W/m2 1
F Frequency Hz 0.001
h Relative humidity % 0.001
I Electrical current A 0.001
m Mass g 0.001
P Power W 1
Pa Pressure Pa 1
ppm Parts per million ppm 0.001
var Reactive power var 1
Q Mass flow g/s 1
Qe Electric charge Ah 0.001
Qv Volumetric flow m3/s 10-9
R Electric resistance Ω 1
S Apparent power VA 1
T Temperature °C 0.001
THD Total harmonic distortion % 0.001
V Voltage V 0.001
v Speed m/s 0.001

Note For the monetary unit, ${currency} should be replaced by the the currency symbol applicable to the region the meter is installed in. The builtin user interface of the meter uses the value of server-storage variable global/default/currency_symbol for this purpose or, if undefined, a dollar sign ($).

Unix Timestamp

A Unix timestamp is a number that counts the seconds since the start of January 1, 1970 UTC.

User Privileges

Users may have the one or more of the following privileges:

  • unlimited_save: The user may change (save) the meter configuration.

  • local_save: The user may change (save) the meter configuration but only when connected over a local network connection. LAN-connections are considered local if the user's browser is on the same subnet as the meter. Bluetooth connections are always considered local. All other connections (e.g., via proxy server) are considered not local.

  • view_settings: The user may view the meter configuration. Without this privilege, the user only has access to configuration settings that are directly related to the user.

  • ctrl: The user may issue control operations such as putting a device in a particular operational state (e.g., opening or closing a relay or setting the temperature on a thermostat).

  • restricted_view: The user only has restricted access to the meter data. Specifically, the user may only view registers in the view that matches the user name.

While access to the device is generally governed by these privileges, there are two exceptions:

* Users without `view_settings` privilege may still read their
  own user configuration (but not that of any other user).

* Users without `save` privilege (`unlimited_save` or
  `local_save`) may still change their own password.

View Names

Views are used to group related registers. For example, if a single meter measures multiple apartments, a separate view could be defined for each apartment. A user-interface can then offer to display all measurements for a particular apartment by selecting the desired apartment's view name. Similarly, users can be setup so that they may access only a particular view. That way, views can be used to ensure, for example, that each apartment tenant can only view their own data.

In this API, view names are defined as part of a register name. Specifically, the view name is written as prefix of the register name, followed by a dot. For example, the string apt1.cooktop defines register cooktop as being part of view apt1.

Virtual Register Formulas

The values of virtual registers are calculated based on the values of physical registers. The formulas for these calculations are limited to addition and subtraction. When expressed as a JSON string, virtual register formulas are written as a sequence of register names which are prefixed either by a plus sign (+) to indicate addition or by a minus sign (-) to indicate subtraction. The register names are enclosed in double-quotes. Within a register name, a double-quote character can be included by prefixing it with a backslash character: \". Likewise, to include a literal backslash character in the name, it must be doubled up and written as \\.

As an example, the formula:

+"Panel \"A\""+"Solar+"-"EV"

would calculate the virtual register value by adding the values of registers Panel "A" and Solar+ and then subtracting the value of register EV.


Old meters may still use deprecated operators in virtual register formulas. The syntax for these operators is op(reg,n) where op is either MIN or MAX (case-sensitive), reg is a register name, and n is an integer constant (usually 0). These operators are deprecated because they only work correctly when the formula is applied to rates, not when applied to accumulated register values. When applied to rates, these operators should work as follows:

  • MAX(reg,n): Returns the value of register reg if it is greater than n or n otherwise.

  • MIN(reg,n): Returns the value of register reg if it is less than n or n otherwise.