The service provides the ability to execute various operations for their side effects, such as rebooting the meter. Unless stated otherwise, the resources in this service are available only to users with the save right (see /auth/rights).
Activate a service with an external provider (web server).
This request returns a token which can then be used to monitor the status of the operation. See /sys/status/token/result for details.
Activation response.
Unauthorized response.
{- "service": "alert",
- "provider": "Cloudly's Alert Service"
{- "token": "473c31462e62848b5352314dfc608669",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."
Cancel the long-running operation identified by its token.
Cancel response.
Unauthorized response.
{ }
{- "status": "OK",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."
Clear data. The string in the request body identifies what data to clear:
: For register values that are read from a remote
device, it is possible that the meter may not be able to
reach the remote device at times (e.g., due to a networking
problem). If the remote device provides cumulative values,
this means that when the remote device becomes accessible
again, the cumulative value may have increased
significantly, which could then cause a spike in the graphed
values for that register. To prevent such spikes, the meter
will instead record the jump as an excess and then replay
that excess gradually over time so that the meter can catch
up to the true value without causing a spike. Executing
this command clears to zero the excess of all registers.
This will typically cause a spike in the graphed values for
any remote registers which had a non-zero excess but, on the
positive side, will then ensure that the cumulative
values afterwards match those of the remote
Note If excess keeps accumulating, it may be better to
use the spiky
option for remote
: Clears the web server cache of compressed
files. Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to
clear this cache explicitly. However, this command can be
used in case the cache gets corrupted, e.g., due to a power
cycle while the meter is in the middle of writing a cache
Clear response.
Unauthorized response.
{- "status": "OK",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."
This command supports restoring the database from a backup file, zeroing of all or parts of the database, as well as splitting the positive values of certain registers into separate positive-only registers.
action required | string The action to perform. The possible values are:
from | string (ForeverStamp) If specified, this limits the operation to data that is not older than the timestamp specified here. |
to | string (ForeverStamp) If specified, this limits the operation to data that is not younger than the timestamp specified here. |
regs | Array of integers If specified, the operation is limited to the registers whose database ids appear in this list. |
data | string This member is required for action |
more_chunks | boolean This is used only for |
DB response.
Unauthorized response.
{- "action": "restore"
{- "status": "OK",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."
Restore the factory settings and reboot the meter.
Warning All existing data and settings will be lost.
Restore factory settings response.
Unauthorized response.
{- "status": "OK",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."
Manage one or more HomePlug devices.
Manage HomePlug response.
Unauthorized response.
{- "action": "setpwd",
- "password": "HomePlugAV",
- "targets": [
- "11:22:33:44:55:66/ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP",
- "78:9a:bc:de:f0:01/TPED-PBTX-BLRQ-CPER"
{- "status": "OK",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."
Initiate a reboot of the meter. The actual reboot command is delayed by one second to increase the likelihood that the reply to this request can be received by the client before the meter shuts down.
Once initiated, the meter will be unavailable for a while (typically, 20 to 60 seconds). If the network configuration of the meter was changed, the reboot may cause the meter to not become available again at the old network address. Thus, the client should check for such changes before initiating the reboot and take appropriate action if the network configuration did change.
Set time response.
Unauthorized response.
{- "status": "OK",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."
Optionally set the date/time of the meter and restart the NTP and/or the PTP services, if configured.
A Unix timestamp expressed as a decimal string that may contain a fractional value for sub-second resolution. A string is used here since most JSON libraries store numbers as IEEE-754 double-precision numbers and the 54-bit mantissa of that format may not be sufficient to accurately represent the timestamp.
Set time response.
Unauthorized response.
{- "status": "OK",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."
Test sending an email using the mail configuration specified in the body of this request.
This request returns a token which can then be used to monitor the status of the operation. See /sys/status/token/result for details.
Test email response.
Unauthorized response.
{- "address": ""
{- "token": "473c31462e62848b5352314dfc608669",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."
Try connecting to a remote device and, if successful, return the set of registers available on the device.
This request returns a token which can then be used to monitor the status of the operation. See /sys/status/token/result for details.
address required | string The address of the remote device. The format of
this string depends on the value of |
linktype required | string The link type to use to connect to the remote device. |
Test remote device response.
Unauthorized response.
{- "address": "modbus://sunspec.1@USB2",
- "linktype": "slowd"
{- "token": "473c31462e62848b5352314dfc608669",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."
Update the meter firmware or kernel.
action required | string The action to perform. The value The value |
target required | string The target of the action. A value of |
branch | string The release branch to install from or to list the available version for. If left unspecified, this defaults to the branch the currently running firmware was installed from. An empty string refers to the default release branch. |
force | boolean If |
version | string The version to install. Note Downgrading to an older firmware or kernel may have unpredictable effects and may damage the meter. |
Update response.
Unauthorized response.
{- "action": "list",
- "target": "fw"
{- "version": 4.4,
- "minimum": "4.1.2",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."
Manage WLAN (Wi-Fi) connection. See /sys/net/wlan to get the currently detected and configured WLAN networks.
WLAN response.
Unauthorized response.
{- "action": "add"
{- "status": "OK",
- "error": "Error message (present if an error occurred)."